Think Of The Homeless

There are over 30 million Americans who live on the streets of our nation. Can you consider giving something to a shelter near you? Your fellow human beings need socks because they walk everywhere. Food and shelter are great too, if they will take them. So please give.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Reviews by Hubie Goode: Secrets of Our Educational System Part 3

Secrets of Our
Educational System

part 3

“It is easier to discover a deficiency in individuals, than to see their real importance and value.” ~Author: Georg Hegel

Let’s say that you have a difficult time believing that all the information I have gone over isn’t just a conspiracy theory. May I introduce Mr. William Torrey Harris, U.S. Commissioner of Education from 1889 to 1906. Harris had a profound effect on all of our schools, he standardized them and also Germanized them. Here’s a few words from Mr. Harris himself:

“Ninety nine students out of 100 are automata, careful to walk in prescribed paths, careful to follow the prescribed custom. This is not an accident, but the result of substantial education, which, scientifically defined, is the subsumption of the individual.”

- The Philosophy of Education (1906)

Harris, “Lord of American schooling”, German philosophy major, publisher of the Journal of Speculative Philosophy (which trained a generation of American intellectuals in the ideas of Kant, transcendental metaphysical idealist philosopher, and Hegel, atheist existentialist equivocator. Hegel being the man who gave us scientifically age graded classrooms to replace the successful mixed age school practice.) Harris is quoted as saying:

“The great purpose of school can be realized better in dark, airless, ugly places.... It is to master the physical self, to transcend the beauty of nature. School should develop power to withdraw from the external world.”

- The Philosophy of Education (1906)

Alone in the Crowd

Nearly a hundred years ago Harris believed that self-alienation was the secret to successful industrial society. When you stand at a machine all day, or sit at a computer, chatting with all your stranger/friends on Facebook, you require an ability to withdraw from life. How else could human beings tolerate this except to having been prepared for it by Birkenhead drills? For Harris, school was successful preparation for a life of alienation.

Harris was the main formative voice in America for what school was to be in a modern, scientific state. Historians commonly treat him as an old-fashioned defender of high academic standards, but this is an overly simplified analysis. As a philosophical Hegelian (AEE), he believed that children where the property of the state, a state that had a vested interest in disposing of them as it pleased. Some of these children would receive intellectual training, most would not. Any distinction that can be made between Harris and later weak-curriculum advocates (those interested in stupefication for everyone) is far less important than the substantial agreement in both camps that parents or the local tradition could no longer determine the child’s future.

Not until the days of Conant, would anyone else have access to important salons of power as Harris did. Over his career he gave inspiration to the fixations of Andrew Carnegie, the steel man who not only has a finger in building the nations library system, but he also first imagined the unlimited power of making income by having the entire economy drafted to cradle-to-grave schooling. If you would like to see how American society arrived at the place where it is today, one need only read The Empire of Business (1902) or Triumphant Democracy (1886).

Carnegie’s “Gospel of Wealth” idea took his peers by storm at the same moment the great schooling re-structuring had its beginning. The concept that the wealthy owed the public a duty to control everything in the public interest was an uncanny echo of Carnegie’s boyhood experiences watching the elitists of Britain and the teachings of its State religion.

The Thought Police, They Live in my Head

Every upper class in history has specified what can be known. History is written by the victors. The establishment of a grammar and vocabulary for the common folk is a trademark of the class control by the upper class. If we unwittingly accept a concept such as “globalization”, then we have committed ourselves to a blue print for future society. It’s a future that brings with it an irresistible curriculum.

Ever since the days of Aristotle, those who study such things have understood that work is the vital self-theater of knowing one’s self. Schooling in concert with the controlled workplace is the best solution to discourage imagination. Where did these “Orwellian” ideas come from? How did they become a part of the paradigm of the times for those who believed in progressiveness? Walt Whitman had this to say: “Only Hegel is fit for America”. That’s Hegel, the atheist. Hegel, the existentialist. Hegel the protean Prussian philosopher capable of being “Karl Marx” like on one hand and J. P. Morgan on the other. He believed that history itself could be controlled by the deliberate provoking of crises. (9/11 anyone?) William Torry Harris was a big believer in what Hegel had to say. Hegel was a big believer in Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard was a spoiled rich kid brat who never held a job but wanted to become famous by writing books on philosophy that had many words but really said nothing. Harris made it his “raison d’ etre” to make forced schooling the tool by which the ideas of Hegel could direct history and change America to fit their ideals, and then of course to infect the world.

What Has a Million Legs and Can't Walk?

Harris was inspired by the idea that forced schooling would create a population so dependant on leaders that schism and revolution would become things of the past. If a “World-State” could be constructed by Hegelian tactical manipulation, and school plans imposed upon it, history itself would stop. Man would be in control, well, at least those men and their cohorts would be. We’d all be a society of people just waiting around for someone to tell them what to do. I’ve heard sales training spout the same diatribe: “People are just waiting around for you to tell them what to do, and what they should do is buy our product.” The psychological tool is alienation. Turning kids away from themselves and any individual strength they may refer to, also their families, and their culture and also God himself. No countervailing force could intervene in the life of each child that made up a society and thus before people even knew what was happening, because they were innocent children, they had been directed and controlled from outside forces they have no clue even exist.

If you have read my other blog post on “Neo-Think” or “Neo-Tech”, you know that this material; from which the movie series “The Matrix” was inspired promotes and “sells” the same Hegelian ideas. It’s no small coincidence that their huge atheist volumes include an entire novelized example of a school teacher who tried to enlighten her class that God doesn’t exist, and then suffered terribly at the hands of mean old Christian believers who came together to stop her. The writers of these tomes are Hegelian controlled too, and I would imagine they have little idea as to the extent of their situation. (...maybe)

Big money steel man Andrew Carnegie used his wealth and influence to keep Harris the Hegelian as the U.S. Commissioner of Education for approximately sixteen years, long enough to set the stage of an era of scientific management in American schooling, or “Fordism” as the Soviets put it. (Neo-Think is a big purveyor of “Fordism”, also.) This brought about the rise of the multi layered school bureaucracy. But it would be wrong to think of Harris and his kind as merely a tool of business interest. What they were about, as Neo-Think will tell you, is the creation of a living breathing NEW FAITH to replace Christianity. This Christianity, of course being the one which was turned apostate in the 20’s-30’s, and failed them as World War II proved their utopian ideas of man’s progress as false. Was it a coincidence that this all happened at just the time when dreamers of the empire of business for an Anglo-American world state were beginning to consider worldwide schooling as the most direct route to their destination? Nope. It’s the oldest battle in the history of mankind, going all the way back to Genesis.

Both movements, the centralization of the economy and the centralization of schooling were aided in a big way by the lack of effectiveness of old-line protestant denominations to combat this rising tide in a meaningful way. The “Social Gospel” ideology, financed by important industrialists, mixed God and church with standards of business, entertainment and government. Religion became something about social programs. The idea of money being able to buy your salvation is an old social control tool that anyone who knows history can recognize, but few did.

The dean of Chicago’s school of divinity, Shailer Matthews, and president of the federal council of churches wrote a tome called Scientific Management of Churches (1912). He believed that American Protestants should sacrifice independence and autonomy and adopt the structure of corporations. “If this seems to make the Church something of a business,” he wrote. “Then so be it!” The corporate message was now the way to Jesus he told them. In the years before the first world war, a consortium of private foundations drawing on industrial wealth began slowly working toward a long range goal of lifelong schooling and a thoroughly rationalized global economy and society. Their plans, however, due to their being atheists, didn’t include the interference of the owner and creator of the universe, and this is where they went wrong from the get go.

And Speaking of that Neo-Think Teacher Scenario

In an interesting twist, the start up of public school mass education actually did bring about an uprising of parents of all classes. Around 1850, the main topic of conflict in the reports of school committees was between the state and the general pubic about the inception of public schooling. The old “yeoman class”, those people who were used to taking care of themselves and providing meaning for their lives, lead this charge. A little town in Cape Cod, called Barnstable, was the standard bearer for this revolt. The school committee mourned the absence of a governing or controlling body on the part of the parents and also the resulting “wild wood weeds” that their children were becoming. Parents had become apathetic, and therefore the schools were rendered inefficient.

In much the same way as national health care has been forced down the throat of America’s citizens, most who lived in the mid 1800’s rejected the notion of forced schooling. Building the Education State, by Bruce Curtis (1836-1871), recounts the intense aversion to forced schooling that flooded across the national scene like a plague. Schools were burned to the ground and many teachers run out of town by torch and pitchfork mobs. If students were kept after school, parents would break them out, so to speak.

In Saltfleet Township, students rebelled and locked a teacher in the classroom. They pelted him with mud and mire from the surrounding area in an unprecedented attack, and the parents showed up to provide a cheering section. Why did this all happen? Well, Miss Annabelle can tell you for sure. The parents and students were motivated by the sudden transformation of intentions of schools - a change from teaching literacy to one of molding social identity. They weren’t stupid, just uneducated.

(Miss Annabelle is the atheist teacher from Neo-Think books who was “sadly victimized” for her stance against God.)

The first effective American compulsory schooling in the modern era was a reform school movement which know nothing legislatures of the 1850’s put into the hopper with their radical new adoption law. Objects of reformation were announced as follows: respect for authority, self control, self discipline. The properly reformed boy acquires a “fixed” character, one that can be planned for in advance by authority in keeping with the efficiency needs of business and industry.

Resistance is Futile, You Will Be Absorbed

Reform meant the total transformation of character, behavior modification, a complete makeover. By 1857, a few years after stranger adoption was kicked off as a new policy by the state, foster parenting was now considered a major strategy for the reform of youth. The first step was for the state to become the de facto parent of the child.

The 1850’s marked the beginning of a new era in schooling. It was believed that for the first time in history the State was now acting in the role of a parent by taking lost children under its wing and restructuring them. The State set out to prove by its efforts that delinquency was caused by deficient homes, not external conditions, and therefore industry and slumlords everywhere got off the hook. Schooling was to be the best family structure system and replace the “weaker” home life family of the child.

Most don’t realize that it is no matter of chance that teachers are mostly female in our day and age. In the early 1800’s, beginning around 1840 or so, male teachers were purged from the system on purpose and replaced with female counterparts. Women were paid slightly more than men in order to shame men into seeking other avenues. This was all part of a well conceived stratagem: “Experience teaches that these boys, many of whom have never had a mother’s affection, need the softening and refining influence only a woman can give, we have, therefore replaced men with female counterparts wherever we can.”

Public document for the State of Massachusetts, (1864) tells of the increasing occurrence of parents coming to school to collect their own children only to find that their children had been given away to others. This was something called the “parens patriae power”. The State was quoted as saying, “We have felt it to be our duty to decline giving them up to their parents and have placed as many of them as we could with farmers and mechanics.”

I would imagine that for the small farming communities of the day, this was a horror story beyond belief. Well, of course, it would be... for anyone... anywhere.... at anytime.

more on this in part 4

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