Sex, Lies and Indifference

The comic creator is, of course, both a wise guy and also a student of human nature. How true is it that we are all lied to on a consistent basis? How sad is it that often times we allow it, even when it is detrimental to us or someone else to believe the lie. They ARE all around us , though, and often times they are so pervasive that our limited abilities and faulty consistencies give them let to hold sway in our very lives.
Take for example the idea of giving diamonds on special occasions. You know like, diamond rings, diamond necklaces, and other such baubles that put many a necessary car purchase off until the following year. Men in America think about love when they think about diamonds. Has anyone ever proposed marriage without a diamond wedding ring? There must be someone somewhere, but they are in the overwhelming minority.
Why are diamonds a valuable investment? Is it because they are so rare? Anyone who understands how economics works, knows that price is often the result of demand. A product is only priced in such a way as to provide both profit and also perceived value in the market place. If bananas where considered like gold, then their price would reflect that and they would be sky high, despite the fact that they cost about the same to obtain and also market.
Diamonds are like that. They are part of a marketing campaign. About 100 years ago diamonds were a real rare find, that only royalty could afford and purchase. Then suddenly in the mines of South Africa, that all changed. So many diamonds were found that miners could swim in them like large ponds of water. Suddenly the price of diamonds plunged.

The world has changed since those days and DeBeers now only has about a 65% hold on all diamonds, but they also hoard diamonds. They drive the price up and keep huge storehouses of diamonds that could be several decades out of the Earth by the time you put that ring on her finger. But the brainwashing was soon to follow, for that is how true selling works. Find a need and fill it is marginally honest, but create a need and fill it is a fine alternative if the first one doesn’t pan out.
Marketing strategist then decided they needed to make everyone believe a common perception, despite the inherent debt it would create for someone who had fallen in love. They created the marriage market. Now, diamonds are the proper way to express love. And yet, they don’t cost anywhere near what you pay for them.
The time was the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s. Hundreds of immigrants had all come together under the same mantle of “American” and there were no traditions, no thing that set them together with an historical type connection. No one knew what proper social contact should be among a nation of strangers. DeBeers spelled it out rather neatly: You relate to women, you give them a little glittering pebble; they put it on their finger.
Movie studios added in their two cents worth in the assistance of brainwashing the general public, and you’ll notice that this is a common thing we rarely think about anymore, but both TV and movies jump on the bandwagon of social movements at the drop of a hat, or the jingle of a change purse.

When the storehouses have too many small diamonds, the sale is all about eternity rings. The market is slightly different this time, of course, and most 25th anniversaries and beyond are the target for rings with many small diamonds on them.
Personally, I feel that emeralds and sapphires and rubies can be just as lovely as any diamond. But, they don’t sell to women like diamonds do because of their marketing, not because they are anything inferior. Cubic Zirconium looks just like a diamond. Many jewelers will tell you only in secret that it takes some real study to see a difference between diamonds and cubics. The Gemological Institute of America will parrot this truth because even they have to use machines to tell the difference between a ten dollar cubic zirconium and a diamond that is $6,000.

more sex and lies next time
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